Sunday, September 10, 2006


My nose is stuffed up... when it's not stuffed up, it's running like a train. I was talking about it with my friend Aaron at the OP last night, who's had this cold already, by the sound of the symptoms. I've gotta agree with him: it's amazing the amount of fluid your sinuses can produce! It's like, "where's this all coming from?"

Yes, I know, thank you for sharing.

So no new podcast today... I'm hoping to be able to talk/hear/sound/feel better tomorrow, because I want to read my poem "We Are Grey" for the 5th Anniversary of September the 11th.

The podcast is going well, although it takes a long time to put the Vatican Assassin chapters together. They seem to be the least listened to, but I still plan to keep doing them. Ultimately, I'll compile my own audiobook, me reading my novel. At least, that's my plan at this point.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The 9/11 Report: The Comic Book

Ernie Colon and Sid Jacobson are two old-time comic book creators who have decided to try to make the 9/11 Report more accessible by turning it into a graphic presentation. Yes, a comic book, or graphic novel, if you prefer. To me, it reads like an illustrated school textbook. I think it aptly illustrates the potential for sequential art to make a subject more easily understood. Check it out for yourself online:
Slate presents The 9/11 Report

Better yet, go out and buy a copy and support this experiment in sequential art!