An audio short story adapted from a comic - science fiction adventure... with a sense of humor - Alibi Jones In Over His Head! Ain't It Cool News' reviewer compared the comic book version to "...the lighter works of sci-fi legends such as Henry Kuttner or Ray Bradbury" - which was very cool indeed! Alibi is trying to negotiate with aquatic aliens the Kee'Klick, but there are some cultural problems... see if Alibi can keep the negotiations on track! Listen to the story free on this episode.
In Over His Head is one of the audio shorts in The Adventures of Alibi Jones: Six Short Stories - the audiobook is available for free download at and iTunes. You can read the story - with art by Juan Carlos Quattordio - in Earthbound Comics Presents #1 - just 99 cents to download at Drive Thru Comics and $2.99 in print from Indy Planet.
Links: The Adventures of Alibi Jones: Six Short Stories audio book: and
Earthbound Comics Presents #1 99 cent dl:
Ain't It Cool NewsReview: