Saturday, November 29, 2014

The S#!% Hits The Fan...

Last episode, a ghost appeared on the bridge of Hector Ruiz's spacecraft, the Libracampista. We also found out Alibi Jones' responsibility for blowing up Kismet had been newly made public, which can't be good. Find out how, and why the accident is now being used against Alibi Jones, and what Hector and his crew do next, on this new episode of Glow-in-the-Dark Radio, with host, writer and reader Mike Luoma. Listen to Chapter Three of the brand-new science fiction adventure Alibi Jones and the Hornet's Nest – you'll only find the new podcast novel here!

CONTEST! Your chance to win a signed print by Mike Alibi Jones' Universe. Listen to the show for all the details on how you can win. There's a runners-up prize, too. Here's a link to this podcast on iTunes:

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Sunday, November 23, 2014


New this week! For the first time since they were aired on Mike Luoma's Glow-in-the-Dark Radio Podcast, the audio versions of the four stories that make up the cycle "The Time War of the Devrizium" are gathered together and offered for free download at!

 Now At Podiobooks! Click Here

"About Time" - "Remember Two Things" - "Memory, Yet Green" - and "The Last Battle" - tell the story of the time-travelling aliens The Devrizium and their attempts to wipe out Alibi Jones. Circumstances have somehow made Alibi's very existence in the current time-stream a threat to The Devrizium's own continued corporeality.

It all begins in "About Time" with a stolen Devrizium time-travel device. That audio story first appeared in The Adventures of Alibi Jones: Six Short Stories. It's repeated here to include it with the rest of the Devrizium tales. The illustrated "About Time" can also be found in The Adventures of Alibi Jones #1 - the comic book - with art by Meisha. At comiXology, DriveThruComics, and Indy Planet.

"About Time" - Alibi runs into an old... friend? She's brought a mysterious package with her and a whole lot of trouble on her trail!

"Remember Two Things" - The appearance of The Devrizium in "About Time" was just the beginning. The only problem is that now, Alibi remembers that incident happening two different ways! Time itself may be broken.

"Memory, Yet Green" - Alibi Jones is a 91 year old man waking up next to his wife as the blue sun rises on Rigel 4. Only problem? Alibi doesn't remember growing old!

"The Last Battle"- The Last Battle of the Time War! Alibi is captured and hauled before the ruling council of The Devrizium to answer for his "crimes".

Get them now as free, downloadable podcasts from and on iTunes. You can also get this collection in paperback at Lulu & as an eBook at Smashwords & DriveThruFiction, or both at Amazon.


Announced a new contest yesterday - a chance to win a signed print of Alibi Jones' Universe or a flawed-cover copy of VATICAN ASSASSIN - also signed.

The first person whose review of Mike Luoma's Glow-in-the-Dark Radio Podcast appears in iTunes wins!

 It's my attempt to add some incentive to the iTunes Podcast Reviewing Process. There are no reviews on the podcast right now. The first person whose review is posted will win a signed, limited edition print - one of the three made of Alibi's Universe.

Just head over here: If you want to get in on this, post a review, and then email me at to let me know you have. We'll watch the iTunes page. The first person whose review appears win the print. The second person whose review appears will win the runners-up prize - the new bad proof copy of Vatican Assassin that arrived this week from Lulu!

Both prizes will be signed and sent to their respective winners. I made a short video to show you the prizes:

There are more details on the podcast, too:

Good Luck!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ancient Ships and New Vendettas...

The crew of the Libracampista investigates a mysterious, giant old spaceship that appeared out of nowhere. Meanwhile, Alibi Jones struggles with boredom, Krish fights for his budget, and Kit and Katie verbally spar on Dakhur. Conflict is in the air! Catch up with our characters as we get into more of the brand-new science fiction adventure Alibi Jones and the Hornet's Nest – our exclusive presentation of the podcast novel continues! Hear Chapter Two on this episode of Glow-in-the-Dark Radio, with host, writer and reader Mike Luoma.

CONTEST! Mike announces a new contest, too – your chance to win a signed print by Mike Alibi Jones' Universe. There's a runners-up prize, too – get all the details on how to win on the podcast. In case you need it, here's a link to this podcast on iTunes:

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Public archive of Glow-in-the-Dark Radio on Google Drive:

We're part of the Comic Related Podcasting Network – Find Us Each Week at

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The New ALIBI JONES Novel Starts Now!


A brand-new installment in The Adventures of Alibi Jones starts on this show - a first-draft run through of Alibi Jones and the Hornet's Nest. Free science fiction audio adventure in a classic vein, narrated by writer Mike Luoma – exclusively here on Glow-in-the-Dark Radio!

Alibi Jones rescued friends from Kismet, accidentally blowing up and destroying the place in the process. Fought a Time War against the Devrizium everyone strangely forgets. Now he's been sidelined, and the inactivity has him bored. Never good. What's next for Alibi Jones? Meanwhile, out beyond the border of the Solar Alliance an ancient, giant, derelict ship has materialized. What is it doing in human space?

Listen and find out as we begin the adventure!

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Public archive of Glow-in-the-Dark Radio on Google Drive:

We're part of the Comic Related Podcasting Network – Find Us Each Week at

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Perils Of Playing In A One-Man Band

Discovered a massive screw-up with the formatting on my VATICAN ASSASSIN this week - both on the eBook and the paperback. I *think* it happened a couple years ago when I switched from Open Office to Word for word processing, but I'm not sure. It's fixed, now.

About one-third of the text in the book – and so in the source file – which should have been in italics had, for some reason, reverted back to normal text at random, sporadic intervals! Where three paragraphs had been in italics, now only two would still be italicized, the other back to normal text. One sentence would hold its italics, the one after revert back to normal. Here and there formerly italicized phrases somehow reverted back to normal, throughout the book.

That meant much of BC's inner monologue was now out of context. And though thoughts can be in different tenses, as speech and dialog can be, with the italics removed the book now read with jarring changes in tense in what looked like the narrative, not BC's thoughts.

Discovered all of the new editions of VATICAN ASSASSIN I'd created at the end of 2012 suffered from this flaw, paperback and eBook. I was horrified. Baffled as well. Again, I don't really know how it happened, but I figure it was somehow tied into that change in word processors. Maybe switching from Open Office to Word caused the reversion? It's purely a guess.

Thursday night I started going through the source file re-italicizing BC's thoughts. Even spent some time on it before going out on Friday night. Saturday morning I started through the file a second time, catching phrases and words I'd missed first time through.

With the text corrected, I then prepped the files for all the different eBook stores and printers, uploaded them, and began getting the corrected version back out into the world again in the afternoon. That's why the podcast was so late on Saturday – wanted to get the text corrected first.

One consolation is that the eBook is Free and thus easy to replace.

The corrected eBook is already available at Amazon for the Kindle, at DriveThruFiction and at Smashwords. Other eBook retailers will catch up later as distribution filters the new version out. Paperback distribution takes longer. It will be a little while before the paperbacks arrive at Amazon and most other retailers. You can pick them up at Lulu right now.

Here are links to the corrected versions:
FREE eBook at Amazon (Kindle):
FREE eBook at Smashwords:
FREE eBook at Drive Thru Fiction:
Paperback at

The Vatican Assassin Trilogy – Omnibus Second Edition also suffered from this formatting error, and is also now fixed. As it retails for $6.99, I'll personally replace anyone's copy in the format of their choice. Just email me and let me know where you bought your original and in what format, and I'll send back a corrected copy. Although, if you purchased yours through Drive Thru you should be able to just grab the freshly corrected files from them. They're good like that. The Omnibus has been corrected at Drive Thru, Amazon and Smashwords, with distribution elsewhere in the pipeline.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

- Mike

End of Summer? The Big Finish!

Hear the conclusion of Vatican Assassin - Chapter Thirty-One - on a brand-new episode of Glow-in-the-Dark Radio! And get a preview of the next book in the Trilogy, Vatican Ambassador! The UTZ Battle Cruiser Eisenhower drops BC - the Vatican Assassin - off on the Moon. What's left of Lunar Prime after the attacks? Find out along with BC! Science fiction audio adventure narrated by writer Mike Luoma. Get a little story set up, hear the latest news - including some important format news - and then the end of Vatican Assassin!

Be sure to listen to our next episode as Mike presents a brand new installment in The Adventures of Alibi Jones - we get into a first-draft run through of Alibi Jones and the Hornet's Nest!

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Vatican Assassin – The Novel
FREE eBook at Amazon (Kindle) - Paperback and Audiobook, too
FREE eBook at Smashwords
FREE podcast audio book at Podiobooks
Paperback & eBook at Drive Thru Fiction
Paperback at
Vatican Assassin the Graphic Novel – PDF Download
Vatican Assassin the Graphic Novel - Print

Vatican AmbassadorFree Downloadable Podcast Audio Book
On iTunes

Public archive of Glow-in-the-Dark Radio on Google Drive:

We're part of the Comic Related Podcasting Network – Find Us Each Week at

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Big Chapter, Big Announcement!

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! Listen and find out what's going on... And hear Chapter Thirty – the penultimate chapter - of Vatican Assassin on a brand-new episode of Glow-in-the-Dark Radio! Science fiction audio adventure narrated by writer Mike Luoma. BC - the Vatican Assassin – escaped Fortune Station on the UTZ Battle Cruiser Eisenhower when the UIN attacked. They're heading to the Moon to reinforce the UTZ forces under fire there, with BC along for the very dangerous ride... Come along, won't you? Get the story-so-far, the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT with some other cool news, then Chapter Thirty of Vatican Assassin!

Join the email list! Free stuff, updates & more:


Vatican Assassin – The Novel
FREE eBook at Amazon (Kindle)
FREE eBook at Barnes & Noble (NOOK)
FREE eBook at Smashwords
FREE audio book at iTunes
FREE audio book at Podiobooks
Paperback at Amazon
Paperback at Barnes & Noble<
Paperback & eBook at Drive Thru Fiction
Vatican Assassin the Graphic Novel – PDF Download
Vatican Assassin the Graphic Novel - Print

Public archive of Glow-in-the-Dark Radio on Google Drive:

We're part of the Comic Related Podcasting Network – Find Us Each Week at