A Science Fiction Ghost Story for Halloween! Alibi
Jones and his covert-ops team are on a new mission investigating an ancient,
unknown craft some call a Ghost Ship! Author, narrator and host Mike
Luoma sets up the action with a "story-so-far" so you can
jump right in – and this is a perfect spot for new listeners to join the
podcast. The ghost hunting begins in Chapter
Sixteen of Alibi Jones and the Hornet's Nest. Free Science Fiction Audio
Adventure every week – and now celebrating 12 years of science fiction
podcasting – The Adventures of Alibi Jones continue on Glow-in-the-Dark Radio!!
Join the mailing list: http://eepurl.com/0_Z7z
Get Good Samaritan: Unto Dust On Sale at comiXology: https://glowinthedarkradio.blogspot.com/2018/10/good-samaritan-on-sale-at-comixology.html
Mike's radio home, WBKM: http://wbkm.org
Promo is for Flash Pulp: http://flashpulp.com
Home(s): http://mikeluoma.com - http://glowinthedarkradio.com - http://alibijones.com