Our Vatican Assassin BC managed to dock the half-destroyed Paladin IV with Fortune Station, but it wasn't pretty. Nor quiet. Kinda bounced into the place a few times. After that? He's still hoping to sneak in to assassinate cult leader The Light. Find out if he succeeds in Chapter Fifteen of Vatican Assassin – the 15th Anniversary Edition! Writer, narrator and host Mike Luoma brings you free, original, independent science fiction audio adventure every week on Glow-in-the-Dark Radio!
Our Promo this week is for Geek Radio Daily: http://geekradiodaily.com
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Free Star Seeds Audiobook? Everything else? Links and details: http://glowinthedarkradio.com and http://mikeluoma.com.
Music by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com / https://filmmusic.io). Show theme - "Hitman". Vatican Assassin theme - "Phantom From Space".