BC's old flame Fiza had to leave Lunar Prime – now, she's trying to get sanctuary on board Wentworth Station, in Chapter Twenty-Six of Vatican Assassin – The 15th Anniversary Edition. Does Fiza really know the wealthiest man in the universe? Apparently so... Free, original, independent science fiction each week on Glow-in-the-Dark Radio with host, author and narrator Mike Luoma!
Our Special Voice Cameo is from podcast fiction pioneer John Mierau, performing Richard Wentworth! Find John's podcast and many works at http://servingworlds.com.
Our Promo this week is for Geek Radio Daily: http://GeekRadioDaily.com.
Please consider becoming a Patron and supporting the podcast: https://www.patreon.com/glowinthedarkradio.
Free Stuff? Everything else? Links and details: http://glowinthedarkradio.com and http://mikeluoma.com.
Music by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com / https://filmmusic.io). Show theme - "Hitman". Vatican Assassin theme - "Phantom From Space".