Sunday, June 27, 2021

The View from the Bridge

Vatican Assassin BC has been called to the bridge of the ship he hitched a ride on as Fortune Station bugged out – turns out, the Captain is a fan! BC is now in a prime seat as the UTZ warship heads into battle with the UIN. Strap yourself in, there's some turbulence and space battles ahead, in Chapter Thirty of Vatican AssassinThe 15th Anniversary Edition! Free, original, independent science fiction each week on Glow-in-the-Dark Radio, with host, author and narrator Mike Luoma!

Our Promo this week is for Nutty Bites:     

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Music by Kevin MacLeod ( / Show theme - "Hitman". Vatican Assassin theme - "Phantom From Space".

Monday, June 21, 2021

Fleeing Fortune

Even though BC and Drex the Pilot just arrived at Fortune Station, the ongoing UIN attack led them to sneak aboard a UTZ warship to try to escape the beleaguered station. Find out what happens as they stowaway to get away, in Chapter Twenty-Nine of Vatican AssassinThe 15th Anniversary Edition! Host, author and narrator Mike Luoma brings you Free, original, independent science fiction each week on Glow-in-the-Dark Radio!

A Special Voice Cameos continues in this chapter! Author and narrator/voice actor Paul E. Cooley performs Drex the Pilot – check out Paul's stuff at

Our Promo this week is for Flash Pulp:    

Please consider becoming a Patron and supporting the podcast:

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Music by Kevin MacLeod ( / Show theme - "Hitman". Vatican Assassin theme - "Phantom From Space".

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Miss Fortune?

BC and Drex the Pilot just arrived at Fortune Station. When BC last left here, Reverend Kim and The Light's cult were squatting the place – so why is it now surrounded by UTZ warships? Find out in Chapter Twenty-Eight of Vatican AssassinThe 15th Anniversary Edition. Free, original, independent science fiction each week from host, author and narrator Mike Luoma – on Glow-in-the-Dark Radio!

A Special Voice Cameos continues in this chapter! Author and narrator/voice actor Paul E. Cooley performs Drex the Pilot – check out Paul's stuff at

Our Promo this week is for The Fix-It Home Improvement Podcast.

Please consider becoming a Patron and supporting the podcast:

Free Stuff? Everything else? Links and details: and  

Music by Kevin MacLeod ( / Show theme - "Hitman". Vatican Assassin theme - "Phantom From Space".

Monday, June 07, 2021

Waking Up After Dinner

BC and Fiza both just passed out at the dining table on board Wentworth Station – drugged? Find out – and find out where BC wakes up – in Chapter Twenty-Seven of Vatican AssassinThe 15th Anniversary Edition. Host, author and narrator Mike Luoma brings you Free, original, independent science fiction each week on Glow-in-the-Dark Radio!

There are two Special Voice Cameos in this chapter! An author and narrator/voice actor whose work I enjoy immensely, Paul E. Cooley – check out his stuff at And John Mierau returns as Richard Wentworth! Find John's work at  

Our Promo this week is for Derelict: Marines by Paul E. Cooley.    

Please consider becoming a Patron and supporting the podcast:

Free Stuff? Everything else? Links and details: and  

Music by Kevin MacLeod ( / Show theme - "Hitman". Vatican Assassin theme - "Phantom From Space".