Sunday, July 18, 2021

Back to The History of the Future...

This isn't the history you learned in school... it comes from the imagination! A future history – the story of a science fictional cosmos. Go behind-the-scenes in the Alibi Jones/Vatican Assassin Universe and discover past, present and future in this first installment of The Arch Mage's History of the Future, with host, author and narrator Mike Luoma! Curious about the trilogy and Alibi's Adventures' Backstory? Let the Arch-Mage in his suspension field beneath the mountain in Vermont fill in some details! Free, original, independent science fiction each week on Glow-in-the-Dark Radio.

Our Promo this week is for Flash Pulp:

Please consider becoming a Patron and supporting the podcast:

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Music by Kevin MacLeod ( / Show theme - "Hitman". Arch-Mage's History of the Future theme - "Serpentine Trek".

Saturday, July 03, 2021

The End of the Beginning...

Our Vatican Assassin BC heads into the ruins of Lunar Prime to see what's left of the place – though it looks like the Vatican Mission was hit so hard, it's just about gone! Find out who and what's left in Chapter Thirty-One of Vatican AssassinThe 15th Anniversary Edition, with host, author and narrator Mike Luoma! Free, original, independent science fiction each week on Glow-in-the-Dark Radio.

The story continues in Book Two of The Vatican Assassin Trilogy VATICAN AMBASSADOR!

Our Promo this week is for The Fix-it Home Improvement Podcast.

Please consider becoming a Patron and supporting the podcast:

Free Stuff? Everything else? Links and details: and  

Music by Kevin MacLeod ( / Show theme - "Hitman". Vatican Assassin theme - "Phantom From Space".