With threats on the horizon, Alibi Jones breaks out of his funk and decides to get dangerous, convening a meeting of those he hopes he can trust on board The Hornet’s Nest. Curiously? That no longer includes his Aunt Anita! Listen in on the meeting as we get into Chapter Seventeen – another never-previously-podcast final chapter – from The Star Seeds of Earth. Get free, original, independent audio science fiction each week with host, writer and narrator Mike Luoma on Glow-in-the-Dark Radio!
Our Promo this week is
for the chilling and entertaining Flash Pulp podcast: http://FlashPulp.com.
Mike’s eBook The
Ancient World Around Us: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LSTJWZ3
Check out 2022 Calendars! http://glowinthedarkradio.com/calendars.
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podcast – get new Alibi Jones fiction first: https://www.patreon.com/glowinthedarkradio.
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Everything else? Links and details: http://glowinthedarkradio.com and http://mikeluoma.com.
Music by Kevin
MacLeod (https://incompetech.com / https://filmmusic.io). Show theme - "Hitman". Star Seeds of
Earth theme - "Echoes of Time".