BC, the Vatican Assassin, has been cooling off in case his cover was blown by the suspected UIN Agent Nita Bendix. He’s going a little stir crazy after hearing nothing from the Vatican for the past two weeks… but a new assignment may be about to come his way in Chapter Eleven of Vatican Assassin – The 15th Anniversary Edition. Keith Hughes (http://penslinger.com) provides a Special Voice Cameo this week as Cardinal Andersen as we celebrate the release of the Vatican Assassin Trilogy Third Edition with this encore presentation! Listen to free, original, independent audio science fiction each week with host, author and narrator Mike Luoma on Glow-in-the-Dark Radio!
Our Promo this week
is for Derelict: Marines by Paul E. Cooley: http://shadowpublications.com.
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Everything else? Links and details: http://glowinthedarkradio.com and http://mikeluoma.com.
Music by Kevin
MacLeod (https://incompetech.com / https://filmmusic.io). Show theme - "Hitman". Vatican
Assassin theme - "Phantom From Space".