BC has been waiting to meet The Eldest of The Eldred, the leader of the alien race who may be trying to destroy humanity with a plague. Will BC finally be able to get some answers from them? We’ll find out in Part Two of Chapter Eighteen of Vatican Ambassador, on an extra-long holiday episode. Free, original independent audio science fiction from host, author, and narrator Mike Luoma, as always, on Glow-in-the-Dark Radio!
The Promo this episode is for Paul
E. Cooley’s Derelict: Marines: https://ShadowPublications.com.
End-of-Year Sale: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/mikeluoma.
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Music by Kevin
MacLeod (https://incompetech.com / https://filmmusic.io). Show theme - "Hitman". Vatican
Assassin theme - "Phantom From Space".