Saturday, November 10, 2012

Newly Recorded Versions of VATICAN ASSASSIN & AMBASSADOR @ Podiobooks

This past summer, as I was gearing up to release my new ALIBI JONES AND THE SUNRISE OF HUR, I had a period on the Glow-in-the-Dark Radio podcast without any new material, and so embarked on a re-podcast of Vatican Assassin and Vatican Ambassador. Being a bit of a perfectionist, I ended up re-recording chapters 26 on to the end in Vatican Assassin - those new recordings are now up at Podiobooks:

Got even more ambitious with Vatican Ambassador - the first half of the book, through chapter 12, has been completely revised, rewritten and rerecorded! It's now a better book than I was capable of writing ten years ago.:

The new recordings also reflect - I hope - a greater knowledge of audio book presentation than I had four years ago when first releasing the audiobooks. These new files are longer and larger, not so much due to the rewriting as to the slowed-down pace of the presentation.

Hope you enjoy BOTH the new recordings for VATICAN ASSASSIN and the newly revised and rerecorded chapters of VATICAN AMBASSADOR. Let me know what you think of the fresh takes!

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