Glow-in-the-Dark Radio's 250th episode will appear this weekend. I began podcasting in September of 2006 - thought bringing my writing and radio worlds together might help me promote my books. I'd released VATICAN ASSASSIN at the end of 2005 and was getting the sequel VATICAN AMBASSADOR ready to go. Maybe reading my own work and giving away the chapters on a podcast would drum up interest. It sorta worked...
Didn't really know what I was doing at first. Release schedule at the start was haphazard, at best. Between full-time radio jobs, I was putting out chapters as I could, a couple each week, sometimes more. After I went back to work at the end of that year, the schedule grew more regular.
In 2007 I was tipped off to - a site created by authors podcasting their fiction. Turned out there were more people doing it! I joined the site and joined up with some of fiction podcasting's pioneers. I put VATICAN ASSASSIN up on Podiobooks and began to ready book two.
Releasing VATICAN AMBASSADOR though Podiobooks, I briefly let the main podcast fade - then realized that was dumb - had some great people to learn from with Podiobooks. Soon picked the main 'cast back up. Ever since, Glow-in-the-Dark Radio has come out once a week, with an occasional week off here and there. And so, after six and a half or so years of doing this, we come to episode 250.
I've got a brand-new Alibi Jones story prepared for you - "Alibi Jones: Memory, Yet Green". Outlined to be a comic book story, the script was never finished. But, as I love the story, I decided to finish it as a short so I could bring it to you in audio form on the podcast. It's part of the series of stories set during The Time War of The Devrizium. Alibi is 91 years old as the story begins...
You won't be able to find this story anywhere else, in any other form. At least, not for a while. So I hope you'll check out episode 250 this weekend - Thanks!