Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Episode 450!!

My next episode of Glow-in-the-Dark Radio will be my four hundred and fiftieth! 450!! It all began with Chapter One of Vatican Assassin back in September of 2006, just over 11 years ago. Now, if you do the math, you'll realize I've missed some weeks here and there, but still... almost weekly for over 11 years and through 450 episode feels like a pretty great accomplishment, so I've decided to toot my own horn and make a big deal out of the next episode!!

Here's where you come in - if you're a fan, I'd like you on the show! If you're a fan of the show, I'd love to have your recorded plug/congrats to run on the next episode, the Big #450! What you record is up to you, and I love creativity, but a simple mp3 of just your voice saying something like the following is fine:

"Hi, this is ME from MY THING at WEB ADDRESS and I want to congratulate Mike Luoma* on 450 episodes of Glow-in-the-Dark Radio!"


Send your mp3 to me at glowinthedarkradio@gmail.com

Not much time to do this... the sooner the better, with Friday the cutoff. I'm also open to ideas for what else show 450 should contain... Thank You!!!

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