Hope you have a chance to check it out. Head to http://glowinthedarkradio.com for links, or go direct:
comiXology: http://bit.ly/2FpkHz2 (Digital. Check out their Guided View - it's awesome!)
DriveThruComics: http://www.drivethrucomics.com/product/232799/Vatican-Assassin--The-Graphic-Novel (Digital - PDFs)
Indy Planet : http://www.indyplanet.us/?s=Mike+Luoma (Print! And Digital)
You know, even if you don't get into comics, if you're a fan of my work, or enjoyed the novel Vatican Assassin, you might get something out of this new telling. Juan Carlos did a beautiful job on the color and finishing. And seeing it like this gives you at least an idea of what Vatican Assassin might look like as a movie, doesn't it?
Who would you cast as BC?
Oh! Since we're talking about Vatican Assassin movies - if you're on Spotify, I've been making playlists. And here's a Vatican Assassin inspired, sort of "soundtrack": VATICAN ASSASSIN SOUNDTRACK MIX
Here it is on 8Tracks if you don't Spotify: https://8tracks.com/mikeluoma/vatican-assassin-soundtrack-mix
And check out the Grand Opening of the print proof of Vatican Assassin - The Graphic Novel fresh out of the mail from Ka-Blam Printing. See what the print edition looks like - it's beautiful, if I do say so myself!
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