Sunday, December 16, 2018

Sunday Morning Thoughts...

The great fault in many organized religions lies in separating Human from God, in order that said religion may perform as the necessary "intermediary" between, thus justifying their existence. We are NOT separate from God.The artificial separation created by some theological structures drains both we and God of our power together and transfers it to the organization.

When combined with the rigid scientism of many Western Intellectuals and the "show me" state of sensate reality they maintain, this effectively silences and minimizes the God within - the voice of power that wells up from inside us in the still, small moments, when we allow ourselves to listen. We don't trust that voice. We don't trust ourselves. And we are told we are correct in this - for They Know Better. The insidious intellectual and theological underpinnings of this artificial separation means that the same arguments bolster both "scientific" atheists and desperate-to-cling-to-belief theists, as they both insist, "you cannot hear God within!"

But what was it that ancient prophets listened to? We have relegated their experiences to myth and so marginalized them - taken away their power, too. Far safer to think them "crazy men of the desert" than to acknowledge they may have been responding to the same call for justice rising inside of them as so many STILL feel today. In so many cases the "prophets" of old, like some contemporary protesters, were people who invoked God's name to call out the sins and injustices of their rulers.They did not deny that God could work in and through them, and so embraced the call for justice they felt and dared to speak truth to power.

We do not need intermediaries when it comes to God. Facilitators, perhaps. Sharers in experience, certainly. A community sharing in that experience, definitely. But not those who would Get In The Way, stand between we Human and God. They need to go. Religion has a place, but that place is not In The Way. Those that obstruct are no longer relevant.

God is Love, that Love is inside us, and when we listen to and act out of that Love, we bring God into the world. Let us better hear God's voice in the cries for justice in the world, the modern calls of God's Prophets...

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