Sunday, January 06, 2019

Arisia 2019 Schedule and Balticon!

Spent some of this weekend getting my act together for Arisia 2019. It comes up fast once you flip the calendar! Two weeks away, now. January 18-21st - now at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel, as the original location had a labor strike going on. Not cool.

Arisia is "New England's Largest, Most Diverse Sci-Fi & Fantasy Convention" - ( and this year, proud to say, I'm on four panels, throughout the weekend. Here are the day, time, name and descriptions provided by the convention:

Friday at 7pm in CABOT it's FADE IN: Speculating in Other Media - Stories and novels get most of the attention in workshops and panels like these. What are some other outlets for writing? What should an aspiring speculative screen writer know about the art? How hard is it to become a comic book writer anyway?


Saturday at 4pm in FRANKLIN – Writing for Comics - Writing for a comic book is very different from writing poetry, novels, or short stories. Our panelists discuss their tactics for writing comics and also offer up their advice on "making it" in the industry.

Saturday at 5:30pm in NEWBURY - Indie Comic Revolution - Image is no longer a small, specialty publisher. Kid-focused companies like BOOM! and Action Lab are making lucrative deals with big-name cartoons. Creators are finally getting credit for their creative energies. Independent webcomics are some of the highest grossing Kickstarters. This panel explores the rise of modern “indie” comics, the move away from superhero comics, and how creator-owned content is the future of the industry.


Sunday at 10am in WINTHROP – Make It Yourself - "If you don't like it, make it yourself" is the blow-off line delivered to fans who complain about the low quality, poor handling of characters, or lack of diversity in comics. But how exactly do you start "making it" yourself? This panel will explore the steps it takes for you to start making your own comics--from scripting, to drawing, to publishing. Our panelists can help you with tips, tricks, and advice on making comics for yourself. By the way? I'm Moderating this one! First time I'm moderating at Arisia, we'll see how it goes.


So that's my Arisia 2019 Schedule.

Same day I got my confirmed schedule, I received my email inviting me to Balticon 53 (! So yes, I'm planning to return to Baltimore's inner harbor once again this coming Memorial Day Weekend - Back to Balticon!

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